Another gallery?
Are we not “over-galleried”? Do we need another one? Is the art cake to be divided yet again? These naughty thoughts must be banished right now. Hermanus is an art destination and the more galleries we have, the better. Hooray for the Loxtons in their new venture and may they be followed by many more. It was Francois Grobbelaar of Walker Bay Art Gallery who boldly said he would be happy if the whole Main Road were art galleries and he was right. Almost all the gallerists will tell you that the majority of buyers are not locals; they may be holidaymakers from points North or, more likely, overseas visitors who are impressed by the variety and sheer good value of the art offerings here.
Accessible paintings
Quality is vital of course. But quality is something that people often have to learn to appreciate and a stroll through our galleries is one way of educating the eye. Taste in art is as wide as our glorious bay and our artspots can offer something for everyone. If you are hesitant to enter the premises of the purveyors of high art, you will still see plenty of accessible paintings, ceramics and sculpture on offer elsewhere. Remember Johan De Vries (1945-2002) who used to flog his graphic works for a couple of hundred rand at Lemms Corner? Some looked down on them as naïve. Now you will be lucky if you can find them and the price will be in the thousands. (Tip: Rossouw Modern still has a small collection.) The individual Cubist look and everyday subject matter of De Vries’s work has been copied after his death– surely the sincerest form of flattery.

Piazza Gallery
Back to Hermanus’s latest gallery; the design is SoHo loft style, sparsely furnished and high-ceilinged, with one hundred metres of wall space that no other local gallery can match. The doors are open now, though the official launch (by invitation only) is still a few weeks away. There is a lift to the second floor if you don’t do stairs – as well as easy access from the restaurant. The space looks great for making art of all kinds; recitals, concerts and, who knows, even a spot of jazz and a glass of bubbly could make this into a social hub that is slick, modern and right there where the action is.
• Pure South’s “Meet the Artist” evening last week introduced Hennie Meyer to Hermanus. He told us, most entertainingly, how he came to ceramics (sanctions in his Australian exchange student year in the 1980s landed him in the art department of a technical college) and his work is now sold internationally.
• Bellini Gallery is well settled in new premises at 167 Main Road and, as well as cappuccino and art, they offer a booking service for Overstrand Arts/Kunste shows.
• Strauss and Co, the new Cape Town action house, is taking appointments for auction valuations by Stephan Welz on Thursday 19 November. Call 0878068780.
• A creative art workshop at Volmoed in the Hemel en Aarde Valley is scheduled for December 7-11. Contact Alyson 028-3121282 or home 028-3132313. “An opportunity to learn, share and exhibit.”
• Keep your news and views coming to me at niblos@telkomsa.net